Sponsorship & Advertisement

Opportunities for Sponsorship and Advertisement in Souvenir 

Souvenir of conference will be released in which companies can advertise their products. The souvenir will be a tool to promote products as it will be distributed widely beyond conference participants.

Advertisement rates for souvenir are as follows:



Delegate dockets

INR 50,000/-

Delegate lunch

INR 50,000/-

Delegate Dinner

INR 50,000/-

Delegate badges

INR 25,000/-

Delegate refreshment with high tea

INR 25,000/-

The international conference provides an excellent opportunity for companies to gain global visibility and publicity by showcasing their products and services to a highly focused audience besides networking with the participants from various parts of the World. Sponsors are assured of full visibility through the conference souvenir, conference backdrops, conference documentation, conference dockets and conference website www.cstri.res.in/index/conf2024. Sponsors will also have the privilege of presentation / display of their products during the conference which will help the students, the research fraternity and society to visualize and appreciate the state of art technologies in this field.




Full Page Color Backside Cover (Outside)

US$ 750

INR 25,000

Full Page Color Backside Cover (Inside)

US$ 500

INR 20,000

Full Page Color Front side Cover (Inside)

US$ 750

INR 25,000

Full Page Color (Inside)

US$ 500

INR 10,000

Full Page B/W (Inside)

US$ 200

INR 5,000