Silk is one of the oldest fibre known to man and remains as the most loved fibre in the world. With its unparalleled grandeur, the silk fabric has reigned as the undisputed “Queen of Textiles” over the centuries. Luxury, elegance, class, natural sheen, inherent affinity for dyes and rich colours, light weight, poor heat conduction, resilience and excellent drape are some of its irresistibly endearing qualities. In India, silk is considered to be a sacred fibre from ancient times as no religious ceremony is complete without the use of silk.
The Indian silk industry is highly labour intensive in view of the fact that the industry is highly fragmented and the equipments used are outdated. There is excessive dependence on human skill to achieve quality. It is observed that the skills which are traditionally passed on from father to son in the family are things of the past. The younger generation has drifted to other areas which re more remunerative. If only skill development could be institutionalized, the advantage that accrue would rekindle the interest. Central Silk Technological Research Institute, Bangalore has been keenly following the changes that are taking place and has been responding appropriately.
During the course of time, the institute has grown into a premier institute on post-cocoon technology for research and development in India but also set up a centre of excellence for providing training in the field of post-cocoon technology since 1983-84. The mission of the training programme is to train officials of state sericulture departments, (DOS), entrepreneurs, students, fashion designers, reelers, dyers, twisters, weavers, floor level workers etc. The training programmes offered by the institute consist of Third country Training programmes sponsored jointly by Central Silk Boar and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Capsule courses and Ad-hoc courses. The accommodation for the trainees during the training programme is available in a hostel at nominal charges in a double bed sharing room. The interested candidates may write the Director, Central Silk Technological Research Institute, Central Silk Board, BTM layout, Madiwala, Bangalore – 560 068 or contact the Training Division Officer at telephone No:080-2628 2316 or 2628 2324.
Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) under JICA.
It is an international training programme in bivoltine sericulture to train officials of Third World Countries, sponsored by JICA. This programme has two courses, 6-days Technical course (General) on bivoltine post-cocoon technology and 20-days Technical course (Specialization) on bivoltine post-cocoon technology.
Capsule Courses (Certificate courses)
Capsule Courses or Certificate courses are short duration varying 4 days to 11 days depending on the type of training programmes to address the post-cocoon technology aspects available to the industry in general.
Special/ Adhoc Courses
Considering the increasing demand from different sate governments, universities, NGO’s, progressive entrants in silk industry, short duration training courses are being organized. Such training programmes are being arranged on the need based on specific requirements.
The list of training programmes offered during the financial year 2023-24 is given along with course fee and duration.